Founder and President of SUPERMAMA - an organization for pregnant adolescence and single mothers. Owner of PrehiSPAnic cocoon - a massage and health spa in Corozal Town, Belize and Chetumal, Mexico and owner of B LIFE health beverages.
"Memories are like the clouds in the air taking form and stretching across your mind only to slowly disappear once more into that place where they are saved until they return once more" (Brenda A. Ysaguirre)
"Be thankful for all the people who share your life and for all the things you have learnt for that is the way to begin living a wonderful life" (Brenda A. Ysaguirre)
"Teach them and they will learn, guide them and they will follow but leave them to do as they please and they will become lazy and worthless beings of the world in which they live" (Brenda A. Ysaguirre)
"With the advent of technology, children today have advanced into a new world yet are behind in many ways in comparison to the children in the past who found happiness in their surroundings, in the fresh air and do simple fun things with each other" (Brenda A. Ysaguirre)
"To be a leader we must be willing to make change to create a new and better lifestyle for everyone or to follow that which is good so that worse is not the hole we fall into"(Brenda A. Ysaguirre)
''If we teach the young to respect each other and to respect the elderly life will be as it was meant to be with peace, love and harmony" (Brenda A. Ysaguirre)
"Man accepts to believe what is comfortable when he does not understand it, until he understands that he has little time to revel in his own reasoning" (Abel Desestress)
“El hombre acepta creer lo que noentiende por comodidad, hasta que comprende que le queda poco tiempo para deleitarse con su propio razonamiento” (Abel Desestress)
"The power of choice has always been yours, but you have lived conditioned by the beliefs of others, so it never served you for much" (Abel Desestress)
“El poder de elección ha sido siempre tuyo, pero tú has vivido condicionado por las creencias de otros, así que nunca te ha servido de mucho” (Abel Desestress)